Thursday, June 9, 2011

Home Intervention Programme 3 - Sentence construction and picture description

Gerrard does not do well in description. One way to help him is to get him to construct sentences on his own.

1. Find simple pictures that a sentence can be used to describe it.
2. Write sentences and cut out the verbs and nouns.
3. Lay out a picture. Give options for the verbs and nouns, so that he can choose and pick the correct one.
4. Gerrard is to look at the picture, and read through all the options before choosing out the correct verbs and nouns for the sentence.

After trying many times with successful attempts, he is able to do simple sentence description without the helping visuals. Now we are into the next phase with simple connectors like 'and', 'using', 'with'...

The ultimate aim is to have him to do a picture description on his own (like what we had for English Oral). That, will have to take time and effort for Gerrard.

Gerrard trying out on his own.

Handwritten words are huge, hence making the sentence physically too long for reading....

Options are given for the sentence construction.

Typed and taped for durability.

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