Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fastforward button?

Eat, sleep, eat sleep. I wonder whether there's any fast forward button. Can't wait for Gerlyn to be 4/5 months...

Monday, February 18, 2008


I sat through the 1st day with Gerrard. Clean environment.

I left after shower time the 2nd day. As expected, he wailed. When I picked him up, he's already playing with his friends and teacher.

3rd day, We left him there after we reached the centre.

Today's the 4th. Crying when I left.

Although not so well trained yet, it's quite an achievement that Gerrard decides to feed himself using utensils. He saw the kids in the centre doing the feeding on his own and he wants to do it himself. The only setback is that he gets very very messy...

Friday, February 15, 2008

dead beat

Me, I'm the one dead beat.

I don't want to work in a child care centre!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Gerrard's new fate

Beeen busy. Scouting for Gerrard's school and settling him in.

Will blog again in details next week, when I don't shadow him in class.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Terror in disguise

Today, I went to scout for Gerrard's childcare centre. He has to go to one soon because we felt he needs to socialise more to improve on his social skills. We are not so much concerned about learning, as per se. He is gentle, but when comes to certain situations, he can spin out of control.

The poor girl in the video, it's his 1st time seeing her.

He is ok when us, our parents and my brother. Even Scott's brothers have problems getting him in their hands.

BTW, my faithful blog readers, I'm returning to school in 4 weeks' time. By then, I'm afraid no daily entries liao...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Departure of Auntie

This photo was taken on the 2nd day of new year at Vivocity.

Auntie left on Saturday. Both Gerlyn and Scott's mum miss her a lot. Gerlyn is still not too used to us, while Scott's mum lost a companion to chat.

Under her care, Gerrard has also put on some weight. Delicious porridge that she cooks for him every lunch and dinner.

Hope to see her again. Is there any other method than getting myself pregnant again?!?

Sunday, February 10, 2008

1st public appearance

Gerlyn's full month has to be kept simple because Scott's dad passed away last Nov. We brought her out to Si Ma Lu or prayers. Gerrard is still at his monkey pose again. Gerlyn had a great time out there and we took them to Vivocity after prayers.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Funny fun fun

All hell's breaking loose when Gerrard hits the playground. So poor thing, gotten trapped int he house as I am having my confinement. This is one of the few happy days that he was being brought out to play by Scott.
Here's a pic showing Gerrard coming down the slide. He has got a funny way - coming down with the tummy on the slide. He always slide down this way on his own and never face out.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Audio detector

Here's a pic of Auntie and Gerlyn. Gerlyn is pretty alert. Nowadays whenever she wails, she won't really stop if we carry her. If auntie calls out to her, she will take 'time-out' for a short while. I think she knows auntie = milk milk...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sleeping devil

Hahaha. Many of you may be thinking,"Not Sleeping ANGEL meh?". No, no, that's a lie from our parents. All kids are devilish in one way or another. When they are asleep, they are the sleeping devil and thus become angelic. ;p

Gerlyn is not easy to handle. Partly because of Gerrard. She has quite a lot of scares as he slaps her up from her sleep. She is grouchy and wants to be carried most of the time. Clear indication of insecurity.

Nowadays we put a pillow on top of her and let her sleeps sideways.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Unacceptable hair style

Gerlyn has got more hair than Gerrard. And the funny thing is that her hair stands in the middle like a rooster!. I wonder which pupil I had seen during pregnancy caused this to happen.
I like watching her waving her hands in the air. With the mittens, she looks like traffic police!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Gerlyn: I dare you to disturb my sleep!
This is a picture taken when Scott brought Gerlyn out to the polyclinic for reviewing her jaundice problem.
I thought I'll love Gerrard more (because of many reasons, not that he's male), but I'll love Gerlyn more after seeing scoot and his mum. Both show favourism towards Gerrard, and evidence is so concrete that Auntie Qingzhen told Scott off. To be fair, Scott did improved slightly after that.
I wonder what's the value of education when his mind is still running with a 486 processor!