Saturday, September 10, 2011

HFMD 2011: Activities at Home 2 - Snowman 1

While staying at home with the Gers, we experimented and prototyped our X'mas gift for their trs.

Researched on Internet and found something that the Gers can do: Papercraft snowman!

1. Print template out from website. A4-sized is too huge for the Gers, So I printed 2 sets of templates onto 1 A4 paper.

2. Colour. The Gers had different concepts on this. Gerry, scribbled and drew circles. Gerlyn used a single colour for every confined space/shape. Gerrard had a multicolour concept.

Cheese! We are done with the colouring!

Gerry deploying pointism.

3. Cut out the template. Mummy did this for them as they are still not very gd with scissors...

4. Creative time! The Gers decorated their snowmen. Gerry did not do this as he was not very good with following instructions and the coordination was horrible.

Playing dress-up? I'm good at this!

Gerrard was concentrating hard.

We had lots of time, so we experimented with other media....

Poster colour. Messy. The Gers used cotton buds instead of brushes, as the height of the apparatus is more suitable for their tiny hands. Gerlyn messed up her colours and ultimately, there's only one colour - brown. The key problem with using poster colour was that the outline was all covered by the poster colour that it was really tough to cut out the template. The Gers had fun though.

Gerlyn likes to watch Gerrard a lot.

Collage. Had fun. Killed time too. Initially used the papercraft punchers, but they were tough to press down. Turned to using the good old ordinary paper puncher. Initially, recycled wrapping paper was used. Then I turned to getting the children to paint on blank paper, and use their paintings to punch out paper flakes.

Gerlyn trying out the papercraft puncher.

Pasting. Unaware of colour coordination.

HFMD 2011: Activities at Home 1 - Colouring

The very first activity that I had done during HFMD episode with the children was colouring.

Initially, they were colouring from the books that they have. Then I started browsing on the Internet after they were fighting for the colouring books.

Lots and lots of free printable colouring pages around. Their favourite are the Sesame Street's buddies.

Gerry doing his 'colouring'. Actually just scribbles and circles...