Sunday, July 24, 2011

Admiralty Park

It was our first time there yesterday.

Gerrard was obsessed with climbing up the playground, oblivious to the danger involved. It is pretty high for a 5-yr-old, and I was practically holding my breath while watching him climbing the ropes.

Cruising across from station to station was of no problem for him. Key problem came when he had to come down. He relied very much on Scott for that.

Gerlyn needed Scott to carry her up and down.

Gerry, so sorry, Mummy is a domesticated land animal. So, no climbing...

When we were about to leave, Scott wanted to buy an icecream for the children. While waiting, Dr. Tony Tan actually came to the park with his wife and grandchild! What a pleasant surprise!

Gerrard went up all by himself.

That's pretty high for a 5-yr-old...

Daddy carried Gerlyn up, leaving Gerry, lonely...



Daddy had to carry Gerlyn down.

Gerrard clinged onto Daddy like a koala...

Climbing up the rope net to the top.

Looking lost. Daddy, pls help!

Daddy giving instructions from the chair.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Racial Harmony Day 2011

Having fun again this yr.

Initially wanted them to wear Indian ethnic costume. Daddy went Vietnam with his soccer boys during June. Luckily he's clever enough to buy 2 sets for the older Gers. Super clever, cos Daddy bought 2 hats to go along with the clothes. He even bought a set for Mummy too! Unfortunately the side slits are way too high, gotta alter first...

Mr and Ms Vietnam.

And Daddy's Mr Indonesia.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lean but Mean

Gervin is the smallest baby of all 4, yet the strongest. He has trained his abs so strong that he can sit up on his own, pull himself up and stand at the side of the cot. All these, before the age of 7 months. Maybe because he is always curious about his siblings. I can see that he is always trying to get up to see what they are up to. He is really growing fast!

Here's my milk!

What's this? Hmm...

What's that??

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Gerrard's Holiday Programme

This June, Gerrard had attended 3 holiday workshops. Experiencing difficulties while signing him up for external workshops, we leveraged on the sense of familarity and security that Gerrard has with his classmates/schoolmates. So, this year, we were super 'kiasu' and signed him up for all available workshops (last year, we were more selective). And this holidays, I believe he truly enjoyed himself. :)

Photos are taken and given by Centre's teachers and Admin staff. Enjoy the pics!

Gerrard getting onto the pony with some help.

There goes my little prince.

The next Tiger Woods? Don't worry, Gerrard is a faithful puppy.

Or maybe he is a shotput expert?

Where the fish go?

The essence of preschool experience - happiness and joy in learning.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Of Brotherly Love and Sibling Rivalry

Gerry's going to Childcare soon. He spends a fair bit of time with Gervin at home and has learnt to take good care of his younger brother. But he bullys Gerrard and Gerlyn a lot, that he is always sitting on the Naughty Chair...

Gerry: Look! This is Gervin!

Gerry: Talk to my feet!

Gervin: Yum yum! Nom Nom!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hot Wheels 2 - Share Share

We bought a Strider during the June holidays. It was actually for Gerlyn. But it turned out to be a great tool for the kids to learn all about taking turns and sharing.

They really had great fun, and Sembawang Park seemed to turn into our weekly weekend hideout. Only Gerrard seemed to be on the track. But who cares? Just enjoying the fun with the 3 older Gers.

Gerrard having great fun coming down the slope.

Gerry had so much fun that he refused to give up the seat.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Another Teacher Has Left...

Another good teacher has left the centre.

Gerrard has not been easy to handle. Especially after the change in the childcare centre. It was kind of unfair for him to unlearn something that was good, and to relearn. He protested for a while...

For Gerrard, Ms Camille is a nice teacher to have. She is understanding, and at the same time, able to exercise assertion. This is greatly needed, especially after we know that Gerrard has Asperger's Syndrome.

ForGerlyn, when both her teachers left, she refused to enter the Centre on her own for about one or two weeks. Ms Camille and Ms Seet were the familar faces available to coax and soothe her.

I do not know whether was this Gerrard's way of protesting, but there was a good 30-min standoff with him yesterday. Cried, screamed, pushed his siblings, pinched and spat at me. A bad cocktail of all the bad vices, all in that 30 minutes. The last time something like this happened was more than a yr ago, shortly after he changed centre... :(

Too many good teachers has left. I think the Centre should relook into incentives to keep their resources. I think, for a start, they should revise the teachers' pay...

The magic of photos - keeping happier times.