Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gerry at the Playground

Gerry has little opportunities to go out of the house.

This was his 3rd trip to the playground. He's curious about the place and been observing Gerrard and Gerlyn. Maybe he was trying to figure out what he was supposed to do!

Hope to bring them to the seaside once Gerlyn recovers from her chickenpox completely!

Gerry: Hmm... What? How??

What's chey-chey and gor-gor doing? Whee... I will like to try that too!

Monday, August 30, 2010


Gerlyn was found to have spots 2 Sundays ago.

Was suspected to have chickenpox and had to stay at home. She's absolutely bored at home, we guess. Because: 1. she's very excited when we come back home, 2. she pesters Gerrard and Scott at home.

Gerlyn posing a 'sad' cheese.

Watching gor-gor playing Dora over the internet.

In this episode, we have also learnt that aloe vera is effective in treating the pox. She's very much better and we shall see whether she can go back to school next week or not.
Think the maid is not coping too well with her at home!

Friday, August 6, 2010


Princess Gerlyn has been trying out something new these days. Teachers in the centre are teaching her to dress herself up independently. At home, she has this tubborn stint in her that she refused to let us dress her up.

One evening, we got this:

Gerlyn wore her diapers outside! Hahaha! Wonder woman!?