It has been a challenging year.
Gerrard had issues that we needed to help him. For a good 3 months, he was not able to relate to anyone in the Centre. The 1st person that he mentioned to us is Auntie Sharon. Slowly, he made connection with Ms Jini. And when Teacher Camille took over, things just gotten better and better. 唐老师 had problems initially too. I think it's because Gerrard could not relate to the subject. He is able to understand, but simply refuse to converse in Mandarin. That disturbed us a bit. Afterall, you are talking about a father who took Chinese Lit and a mother who took Chinese GP at A Levels. Now that the picture is clearer, we focus a lot more on the strategies to help him cope with the social demands.
Gerlyn faced a different set of problems. Health issues posed a huge challenge this year. Common coughs and colds were minor. She had Hand-Foot-Mouth, Chicken Pox and 'Eye Needle' episodes. *FAINT* Being the second child, she has low sense of security, and many times, she needed affirmation from teachers and us. Very frequently, she will pester Liat to carry her (because I dun entertain her in this aspect). She responded very well to Ms Jini. I guess she really need someone who is really firm with her. Rules are essential to keep this young lady in check. 贾老师 faced more challenges, because Gerlyn seems to know she can 'eat up' this teacher. Poor teacher!
Gerry is much easier to cope with. Afterall, physical needs are more essential at this stage. Eat, sleep and play are the 3 key domains in his life. Our current maid does a relatively good job with this. Except that she can walk and put the baby into the corner...
As we spent many hours with other people's children, we rely on others to guide and hand-hold our children. The level of trust has to be built over time. And generally our children are blessed as they have very good people around them most of the time.
We have no religion, but here's our way of saying thank you to these people during Christmas:
1. Ms Jini: Thanks so much for helping both Gerrard and Gerlyn. We can really feel the passion in teaching radiating from you. Hope you will return to the 'scene' soon.
2. 贾老师:看到您,真的有体会到"汗流夹背"的含义。照顾悦嘉真不容易。谢谢您的付出。
3. Teacher Camille: Gerrard had been a challenge. Thanks for being his guardian all this while.
4. 唐老师:“像照顾自己孩子一样”,听了让我们感动得很!谢谢您的爱心。
5. Ms Seet and Mdm Fauziah: Thank you so much for making an extra effort to open the Centre before 7am. Because of this, our students also benefited.
6. Auntie Vivien: Thank you so much for always keeping a lookout for our children. It warms our heart to know that even the front desk is also involved in the moulding of the children.
7. Auntie Sharon: Gerrard 的灯塔。您让他第一次感到有安全感。到今天他还是每每都要去找您。谢谢!
8. Joyce: Ya, no more 'Auntie' in front. ;p Thank you for being there. It has been assuring for Gerrard to see the familiar face from Bangkit.
9. Ms Chin: Seemingly the least involved person in the Centre, but there are changes after you came as the part of the management level. Now, the Centre has a more 'family' atmosphere. It is not easy handling some parents and you certainly deserve a pat on the back!
10. Cousin Elsie: Thank you for being our resource when we were trying to cope with Gerrard's volatile emotions at the beginning of the year. Here's wishing you all the best in the coming year.
So here's wishing everyone

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