Monday, November 1, 2010

Special Kid

Gerrard has been diagnosed of having Asperger's Syndrome.

I picked out several signs when I went for the Autism course earlier in the year. I signed up for the course because I met 2 diagnosed cases in my career and many of us do not know how to handle these children with special needs.

Somehow I felt relieved. Knowing the diagnosis will help in the remediation process. Just that it takes a very long time in government hospitals, while the private practitioners are very expensive. Meanwhile, we just do what we can at home and in school.

I am very hopeful we can help him, although a cure is impossible. He's fortunate, that we picked out the signs and insisted a referral although the doctor at the polyclinic felt he was ok (maybe just slow in speech).

The route is gonna be long.

As the Liverpool slogan goes, You Will Never Walk Alone.

He's a happy boy. What's more important than this?

Classical Cheese pose from Gerrard.

Went to the playground while waiting for the clinic to open for functioning.

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