I will use the gift to tag my students' work.
(See the whole row of page tags on the right?)

Gerlyn busy munching away.
Source: Ms Joyce Wee
Source: Ms Joyce Wee

Gerlyn in front of the X'mas tree.
Source: Ms Joyce Wee
Source: Ms Joyce Wee
This was the debut of Do-Re-Mi (as my old-time friends call them) in a social function.
Food was nice and the big spread of food was sufficient to feed an army! Especially the sausages!! Chun Hoe, now Liat and I know that you are indeed a sausage-lover!
X'mas exchange was fun. We agreed upon that everyone was to attend with a gift worth $10. I must admit here that some of my gifts belonged to the 'to-top-up' category. Which are the ones? I shouldn't say here. But there are some which are 'above-budget' category, e.g. the T-shirt from Hong Kong that Joyce gotten. Personally I liked it. But cannot keep as there are simply too many T-shirts in my wardrobe. Dun worrie, Joyce. I have not worn it yet! ;)
Unexpectedly, we had a 2nd round on Boxing Day. Food with wide spread (again!) and sausages were the main dish (again!). 2nd round was better than the 1st as Tiang made dessert this time. I am pretty sure that we cleared part of their fridge!
Thank you, Tiang and Chun Hoe, for hosting the occasion. Next time, listen to my advice - go potluck. We really wished you both had more time for us than preparing the food. Make full use of our X'mas gift for the two of you, ok? ;p
And to my 3 dear friends, yes, I will make sure the vouchers will be used on buying things for Gerry, rather than for the two other babies.
I hope Lynn can join us the next time... :[